Here it is Kong Ming Lantern (Sky Lantern)!! haha..various of colours ^.^
Let it become fatty..haha
Let it blew up..yah..haha
Nottie cousin helps
Woot~ Uncle & Aunty enjoying their beer while watching us beer finish liao lu~ :P
Yeah~ success~ awww~ so cute
Sky Lantern lantern~ my dreams come true ya..
Yesterday night was my Auntie new house open house..after ate dinner..we all went to playground and play Lantern and Sky Lantern too ^o^ so happy..haha..we were so excited to play it..this is my first time play sky lantern oo..the first one not successful but the second is successful!! gosh~ so happy~ nice to play but it's prohibited to play in Malaysia already..zzzz...that's my day..full stomach back home..hohoho..happy weekend with my relatives and cousins..muacks..